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Showing posts from September, 2020

How Does It Contribute to a Safer and Healthier Work Environment? HRMS Software

  Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of modern work, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is paramount. HRMS (Human Resource Management System) software plays a pivotal role in cultivating and maintaining workplace safety and well-being. This comprehensive guide explores the multifaceted ways in which HRMS software contributes to a safer and healthier work environment, offering insights into how it empowers organizations to prioritize employee well-being and compliance with safety regulations. I. The Significance of Workplace Safety and Health 1.1 The Impact on Employee Well-being A safe and healthy work environment fosters a culture of well-being, reducing accidents, injuries, and stress levels among employees. 1.2 Legal Compliance and Regulatory Adherence HR software ensures that organizations meet legal obligations and regulatory requirements related to workplace safety, mitigating risks and liabilities. II. Incident Reporting and Response 2.1 Streamlined Incident

What Is The Problem Affecting All Apple Users?Antivirus

               Problem Affecting All Apple Users Apple's announcements this week focused on security and privacy, following multiple reports of issues. The company now wants to reaffirm its references in terms of security and privacy and thus stand out from the competition. However, Apple doesn't always succeed, as evidenced by a safety concern that the brand initially denied, before suddenly confirming it by issuing a corrigendum. However, users are still at risk, as this fix will only be available with iOS 14 in the fall antivirus. Indeed, last February, security researchers Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk revealed that any data copied to an iOS device's clipboard would be accessible to any active application. Additionally, there is no notification or setting to restrict an application's ability to access user information; therefore users have no way of knowing when an application might steal their data. Worse yet, the researchers said, "The universal clipboard ca

Do You Know About Spam Mail Awareness | Antivirus

             Awareness of the Costs and Consequences of Spam A brief history of the development of spam Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was developed in the United States from 1967 (...)4Spam is older than the Internet: Already in the era of telegraphy in the 19th century, the Western Union in the United States had authorized the sending of unsolicited telegraph messages to several recipients over its network. The first spam was sent in 1978 by Gray Thuerk; it was a chain message sent to six hundred users of the Arpanet 1 network. In 1994, the first unsolicited commercial email was launched by two lawyers, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel; the message was aimed at immigrants wishing to live in the United States, it brought in 100,000 dollars to the lawyers. The characteristics of spam The different forms of spam Two forms of spam are now identified [Armstrong and Black, 2007]. Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) is sent for direct marketing purposes. While most prof

9 Good Reasons to Use Parental Controls | Complete Security

Parental Control: How You Regulate Your Child’s Computer Habits There is a new generation of tech-savvy kids. Younger people use tablets and teens use instant messages to communicate. Most educational institutions use computers and tablets as part of their curriculum. Today, parents allow their children and teenagers to use because it is smartPhone one of the best ways to stay in touch with them. Parents also feel reassured knowing where their children are and learning more about their activities. As a parent, you will be faced with a challenge: you have to weigh the pros and cons of giving your child digital freedom, but also clearly define boundaries. Many understand that limiting their access to the Internet can have an effect on their ability to learn and develop. Yet it also means exposing your children to threats and online information that may be beyond their comprehension. That's why installing reliable security software that includes parental controls on all devices can he

Do You Know Computer Hacking is Legal Risks | Total Security

                            Computer Hacking:  Legal Risks The regulators and control We will present in this part the main existing organizations within the framework of the fight against computer piracy. We will quickly develop their roles and the actions they can take. The National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) This commission was set up in 1978. It is an independent authority and therefore does not depend on any other institution. The role of the CNIL is to promote the development of digital tools while ensuring the protection of individuals. For this, the commission has two main missions: Inform and Advise : the CNIL helps professionals and individuals by disseminating information on the risks incurred when using IT tools, in particular the risks associated with data piracy and the consequences that this can have on life users. It also provides training, generally in the professional context, aimed at ensuring the protection of private data in the context of the us

Is It Internet the Mobile Takes Power | Antivirus

                             Internet: The Mobile Takes Power Figures: Médiamétrie takes stock of the internet year 2019. A year that marks the rise of uses and the reign of mobile. 53.1 Million Internet Users  With 92% of households connected in France and 53.1 million monthly Internet users, the internet has risen to the rank of essential household services, along with water and energy. Without the internet, a home is no longer operational. Better still, thanks to the connection to fibre, its land value increases. As proof, the fact that the French connection to the internet on average 22 days per month, against 18 days in 2009. 37.4 Million Mobile users But the real revolution is the mobile. As Bertrand Krug, Director of the Internet Department at Médiamétrie, explains: “the mobile has become essential when it comes to the Internet, it drives growth. 37.4 million French people are daily mobile users, this is 7 million more than two years ago and 4 in 10 Internet users exclusively us

The Free Mobile Antivirus You Are Using Can Be a Fake

           Should You Install an Antivirus on a Smartphone? Does Free Antivirus Really Protect? The question is more complex than one might think. Some free antiviruses do indeed protect your machines, but not all of them. As with everything, you can imagine, some software is more efficient than others. Note, however, that all the antiviruses that we will quote in this article have been tested and found to be sufficiently reliable and effective. So there are antivirus's out there that don't really protect you, but we won't cover them in this article. It is still important to note that the vast majority of antiviruses that work on a freemium model in their free version are as effective as the premium versions. The difference will be made especially in the functionalities integrated into the software. Beyond these features, virus detection and removal always works the same way, since the virus database (which contains all the viruses) is common to the paid version. Understand

Here's How to Let Your Kids Use Their Smartphones Safely | Free Antivirus

Here's How to Let Your Kids Use Their Smartphones Safely How can children safely use their smartphones? This is a question that parents all over the world are asking themselves more and more often and earlier and earlier. On the one hand, it has become essential that children quickly learn to master new technologies, and social networks are obviously one of them.  We are willing to bet that you remember the day you bought your first cell phone very well. Discovering new technology like this was obviously a moment to remember. Since then, these small devices have turned our lives upside down and are everywhere. But for young people born at the turn of the millennium, smartphones and tablets are an integral part of their lives and development. Sooner or later they will get going and your role will be to control their use. 1. Choose a smartphone suitable for children It is more than likely that your child already knows exactly which model of smartphone they want. But of course you, as

10 Basic Rules Commandments of Internet Safety | Total security

Here Are the Ten Basic Rules, Sort of the 10 Commandments of Internet Safety. 1. Use good passwords. The dictionary defines a password "as an agreed formula intended to be recognized as a friend, to have a guarded passage opened." The computer password allows access to the computer and the data it contains. It is therefore essential to know how to choose quality passwords, that is to say, difficult to find using automated tools, and difficult to guess by a third person. 2. Have an up-to-date operating system and software: browser, antivirus, office automation, personal firewall, etc. Most attacks attempt to use vulnerabilities in a computer (operating system or software vulnerabilities). In general, attackers search for computers whose software has not been updated in order to use the unpatched vulnerability and thus manage to break into it. This is why it is essential to update all your software in order to correct these flaws. 3.  Perform regular backups. One of the first p

Internet Addiction in Young Adolescents | Total Security

Introduction As part of our training, and the more in-depth study of ethics and the digital frontier, we focused our project on the study of internet addiction among adolescents. By an observation which wants to be more and more recurrent, the addiction to the web "World Wide Web" e is not ready to stop. For good reason, the society in which we operate is caused by the many promising advances which push the individual subtly to consume. So what is cyber addiction? Why are adolescence and Internet addiction so closely linked? To answer this set of questions, we will focus our problematic on the following question: How is cyber addiction today more threatening during the adolescent crisis? Many questions that will lead us to understand the acculturation of the adolescent to the digital environment that surrounds him. What is Cyber Addiction and How Long Has This Term Existed in the Language? First of all, the term web addiction first appeared at a Psychology meeting in Toronto

Advanced Security for Financial Computing | total Security

                     New technologies and financial services  The Financial Economics Review devotes this issue to the theme “currency, financial institutions and technologies”. I was first asked to carry out a review of academic works devoted to the subject in the past and present times. Perhaps for lack of documentary sources 1, also by not including the United States in the scope, my observation is that there is very little academic work which has analyzed the consequences of new technologies on the exercise of financial professions. The insufficiently conceptual subject? The weak attraction for microeconomics in its most practical aspects? I do not know. I regret it and hope that things will evolve because the research material is considerable, especially in the period of change that we are going through. I note, however, the beginning of evolution with contributions from academics in international conferences and I am delighted. I turned to other documentary sources. There, the fi

Negative Effects of Social Media on the Mental Health of Children & Adolescents | Free Antivirus

The worrying negative effects of social media on the mental health of children and adolescents When Dr Rangan Chatterjee from the UK first saw a 16-year-old boy who had injured himself and ended up in the ER, his first thought was to give him antidepressants. So instead of medicating him, he proposed a simple solution: he should try to disengage from social networks. At first eliminating its use one hour before going to bed and, with the passage of several weeks, increasing it to two hours in the morning and two hours before That and similar cases have led Chatterjee to question the role social media plays in the lives of children and young people. A few weeks ago, a hundred child welfare experts in the United States asked Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, to close Messenger Kids, an application developed specifically for children between 6 and 13 years old , arguing that it is an irresponsible platform. "It is irresponsible to encourage children to use Facebook": the

How Do Mobile Devices Affect Teens | Free Antivirus Software

Effects Of Mobile Phones On Teenagers: Adolescents born in the 21st century are the “M generation” with unprecedented media use and multitasking . About 90% of American teens now own or have access to a mobile phone, which they use frequently. In the United States, teens send and receive an average of more than 60 text messages per day from their devices, and more than 90% of teens access the One of the big questions is how being permanently online impacts the development of adolescents. It is a period of particular relevance since during adolescence, communication with friends and colleagues becomes Friendships play a fundamental role in the development of social skills. Mobile technologies facilitate a constant state of connection with peers and new ways of communication. Although adolescents are not the only group with a high use of mobile devices (it is very likely that you are reading me from your cell phone), they are a more vulnerable group to its effects because it is a group c