Internet: The Mobile Takes Power
Figures: Médiamétrie takes stock of the internet year 2019. A year that marks the rise of uses and the reign of mobile.
53.1 Million Internet Users
With 92% of households connected in France and 53.1 million monthly Internet users, the internet has risen to the rank of essential household services, along with water and energy. Without the internet, a home is no longer operational. Better still, thanks to the connection to fibre, its land value increases. As proof, the fact that the French connection to the internet on average 22 days per month, against 18 days in 2009.
37.4 Million Mobile users
But the real revolution is the mobile. As Bertrand Krug, Director of the Internet Department at Médiamétrie, explains: “the mobile has become essential when it comes to the Internet, it drives growth. 37.4 million French people are daily mobile users, this is 7 million more than two years ago and 4 in 10 Internet users exclusively use their mobile to surf. » The mobile progresses when the computer and the tablet show a declining number of Internet users.
More Than 2 Hours a Day On The Internet
The digital timetable of the French is growing from year to year: in 2019, each French person spent an average of 2:12 each day on the internet, including 1h24 on a mobile, or nearly 2/3 of the time. But this craze for mobile varies according to age: 15/34 people spend 3:14 on the internet, including 82% of the time on a mobile, while those 50 and overspend only 1h36 per day on the internet, 45% of which are on the internet. mobile. A disparity in behaviour which is accentuated when Médiamétrie zooms in on the most connected 15%: 7.6 million surf 6:53 a day. A full-time job!
Time for Arbitration
As a day is only 24 hours, the rise of the internet is pushing the French to make trade-offs. Even though media specialists have praised for years the ability of viewers and internet users to multitask, the fact remains that watching TV, surfing social networks and watching a TV series in SVOD remains an exception.
And unsurprisingly, the “peak time”, that is to say, the rush hour on the internet, is located in the evening at 9:07 pm, in the same time slot as the peak of television audiences. At 9:07 p.m., there are 9.2 million French people online. Among 15/24-year-olds, social networks are the driving force, followed by video consumption and online games.
49 million Video
If the internet has been so successful, it is because 4G or home wifi consumption makes it possible to watch the video in optimal conditions, even if viewing comfort on mobile cannot compete with a TV screen. Each month 49 million people surf on video sites and applications: Live TV, Replay, free VOD, paid VOD and SVOD, i.e. 8 out of 10 French people.
Young people are driving video consumption on the internet: 38% of videos are viewed by 15-24-year-olds, 18% by 25-34-year-olds, 27% by 35-49-year-olds and only 17% by older people. 50 years old.
Free Video In Great Shape
The Top Video Audiences produced by Médiamétrie confirms that Internet users primarily favour free video (AVOD): Youtube and Dailymotion, but also film trailers with Allociné and the PathéGaumont site. Netflix ranks second, confirming its enormous popularity with 15.7 million unique visitors per month for its paid offer. The TV channels are not left out, since TF1 receives 14.3 million unique visitors each month for its MYTF1 site, the Replay site for the group's channels, followed by myCanal with 12.9 million unique visitors. Note that France Inter is on the heels of 6Play with 5.2 million unique visitors, offering a mix of videos and podcasts.
Nearly 16 Million Unique Visitors to Netflix
With its 15.7 million unique visitors per month, Netflix shows an increase of 5.9 million visitors. A figure that echoes the 6.7 million subscribers announced by Reed Hastings in early January in Paris, when the Paris office reopened. For comparison, Amazon Prime Video has 2.6 million unique visitors, showing a gain of 1.7 million unique visitors. ADN, the French leader of anime sites, recently acquired by the American giant Crunchyroll, attracts 800,000 unique visitors per month while OCS (paid application) brings together 700,000 unique paying visitors. Médiamétrie recalls that 27% of total VOD / SVOD consumption is done on internet screens, namely smartphones, computers and tablets.
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