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How Does It Contribute to a Safer and Healthier Work Environment? HRMS Software

  Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of modern work, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is paramount. HRMS (Human Resource Management System) software plays a pivotal role in cultivating and maintaining workplace safety and well-being. This comprehensive guide explores the multifaceted ways in which HRMS software contributes to a safer and healthier work environment, offering insights into how it empowers organizations to prioritize employee well-being and compliance with safety regulations. I. The Significance of Workplace Safety and Health 1.1 The Impact on Employee Well-being A safe and healthy work environment fosters a culture of well-being, reducing accidents, injuries, and stress levels among employees. 1.2 Legal Compliance and Regulatory Adherence HR software ensures that organizations meet legal obligations and regulatory requirements related to workplace safety, mitigating risks and liabilities. II. Incident Reporting and Response 2.1 Streamlined Incident

Internet Addiction in Young Adolescents | Total Security


As part of our training, and the more in-depth study of ethics and the digital frontier, we focused our project on the study of internet addiction among adolescents. By an observation which wants to be more and more recurrent, the addiction to the web "World Wide Web" e is not ready to stop. For good reason, the society in which we operate is caused by the many promising advances which push the individual subtly to consume. So what is cyber addiction? Why are adolescence and Internet addiction so closely linked? To answer this set of questions, we will focus our problematic on the following question: How is cyber addiction today more threatening during the adolescent crisis?

internet addiction in young age  total security

Many questions that will lead us to understand the acculturation of the adolescent to the digital environment that surrounds him.

What is Cyber Addiction and How Long Has This Term Existed in the Language?

First of all, the term web addiction first appeared at a Psychology meeting in Toronto in 1996. It was psychologist Kimberly YOUNG who brought up this notion during a performance on "Internet addiction: the emergence of a new clinical disorder".

There are several ways to define dependence on internet networks: cyber addiction, internet addiction disorder (IDD) or even problematic internet use for example (called UPI).

Cyber addiction is defined first of all as all dependencies on connected objects in general. Thus a dependent person is characterized by abusive use of the web by all the equipment available there. This equipment is therefore included in what is called the Terminal: tablet, smartphone, computer, etc. There are still various forms of internet addiction and according to various uses: pathological gambling, compulsive buying, information immoderation or even sexual and relational cyber addictions.

What Pleasures Does Addiction Bring to the Net?

Among all the delights that cyber addiction provides to Internet users, we can cite, for example, four of the main reasons for addiction: infinity in the sense that games and information exist permanently; the certainty is explained by the immediate recognition by simply involving a minimum of investment; the immersive character is a magical or even ideal world that gives us the possibility of second life and finally the importance of the community in the recognition of identity on social networks and of the role played in games.

Which Media Do Young People Refer to And Why?

According to an Ipsos poll, “61% of the web appears to be the media of choice for young people if they had to keep only one, ahead of television (49%) and cinema (35%). According to research from the site dating from 2008, “60% of French people aged 12 to 17 use instant messaging and chats to make friends”. But it includes other variables such as household size, social background, parental control and type of college. According to Camélia Louacheni, Laurent Plancke and Martine Israel on their book:   “The leisure in front of the youth screen. Uses and misuses of the Internet, video consoles and television. “  Teens easily spend two hours a day surfing the web.

But Why is This Age-targeted by "Cyber Addiction" Surveys?

The crisis period in young people begins at the age of 11-13 years and generally ends around the age of 18. However, age and manifestation may vary from one sex to another. However, it is during this equivocal period that the adolescent is more vulnerable to uncontrolled consumption and in particular to that of the web.

How Does the Internet Meet the Needs of Adolescents in the Midst of a Crisis?

During this period of crisis, the adolescent in full physical and mental transformation finds himself faced with multiple questions which he cannot immediately answer. Thus the adolescent is cornered between an unchanging quest for identity, a need for recognition, a search for his limits and his freedom and finally the need to feel included in a group in order to exist and thus to leave the usual family group.

Why is It Said That Online Games Are More Dangerous in Terms of Internet Addiction? For What Reasons?

MMORPGs are more dangerous for three reasons first of all there is a process of attachment of the individual to his character or avatar, which is often an idealized image of him. In addition, these games are built in the form of a "persistent world" that is to say that the game is endless and that it continues even in the absence of the player, this worries the player even when there is no one. don't play. Finally, persistent worlds involve peer pressure to constantly come together and "fight"; if one of the members is missing, the group cannot intervene and he risks being banned, excluded from the community. Hence the perpetual need to connect so as not to “lose” this chance to be necessary and useful as well as to experience success “finally”. It only reaches 26% of adolescents which is lower than the percentage of young adults at 40%. We can see that cyber addiction can last over a large number of years until adulthood or even more.

How Can We Detect the First Signs of Internet Addiction? And What Are the Consequences?

The danger of this cyber addiction arises when the young person isolates himself for long periods and in repetitive ways on the Internet, adopts aggressive behaviour during non-consumption or increased social isolation for example. This refuge is such an escape, that it becomes difficult for the young person to leave it afterwards. In these cases, cyber addiction leads to depression or even excess of violence or more serious suicides.


Once the terms have been clearly defined in terms of teenage cyber addiction, there has been quite a natural succession of issues around this singular theme. The adolescent crisis, a phenomenon that conforms to human construction, finally lets itself be seduced by the banality and at the same time the extravagance of the net.

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