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Showing posts from May, 2021

How Does It Contribute to a Safer and Healthier Work Environment? HRMS Software

  Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of modern work, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is paramount. HRMS (Human Resource Management System) software plays a pivotal role in cultivating and maintaining workplace safety and well-being. This comprehensive guide explores the multifaceted ways in which HRMS software contributes to a safer and healthier work environment, offering insights into how it empowers organizations to prioritize employee well-being and compliance with safety regulations. I. The Significance of Workplace Safety and Health 1.1 The Impact on Employee Well-being A safe and healthy work environment fosters a culture of well-being, reducing accidents, injuries, and stress levels among employees. 1.2 Legal Compliance and Regulatory Adherence HR software ensures that organizations meet legal obligations and regulatory requirements related to workplace safety, mitigating risks and liabilities. II. Incident Reporting and Response 2.1 Streamlined Incident

What Is Phishing and How to Protect Yourself From It | Free Antivirus Software

Phishing (phishing, from fishing - fishing, fishing) is a type of Internet fraud, the purpose of which is to obtain user identification data (logins and passwords to bank cards, accounts). Most often, phishing is the mass mailing of letters and notifications on behalf of well-known brands, banks, payment systems, postal services, and social networks. Such letters, as a rule, contain a logo, a message, and a direct link to a site that is outwardly indistinguishable from the real one. The link is required to go to the site of the "service" and, under various pretexts, enter confidential data in the appropriate forms. As a result, fraudsters gain access to user accounts and bank accounts. The term phishing appeared in 1996 on the alt. online service. America-Online Usenet newsgroup. The first mentions of phishers were associated with the media company AOL, when the scammers presented themselves as AOL employees, reached out to users via instant messaging programs, After gaining

How to Detect and Protect Yourself From Phishing Attacks | Antivirus Software

Phishing is a type of online fraud when attackers try to obtain confidential information of users, for example, login, password, bank card details.  To lure into a fake site, scammers use social networks, SMS, or email. Social networks can write to you from an unknown account or from a hacked profile of a friend with a request to follow the link. As a rule, they ask to quickly click on the link to find out something unusual or valuable.   Attackers lure the victim with a mention in a community post. For example, scammers fake a group of a well-known radio station and report in a publication on behalf of the group that you have won a valuable prize and should go to the site right now for further instructions.   By the way, if you are offered to pay for shipping or insurance for a win or a gift, then this is also a sign of fraud.  If you have ever posted or place an ad on popular Internet sites such as Avito, attackers can include your number in an SMS mailing. In this case, you will rec

6 Ways to Protect Your Data on the Internet | Total Security

  Take the protection of personal information into your own hands ahead of Data Protection Day. Although this is not the first social network in history, with its appearance we have become much more willing to share personal information on the Internet. Platforms like Facebook and Google have created sophisticated systems for setting up targeted ads that are based on the collection of personal data and sometimes seem ubiquitous.  How to protect data on the Internet Here are 6 simple tips you can follow to control your online privacy. 1. Manage your ads You can limit the set of data advertisers use for social media targeting. Please read your privacy and advertising settings carefully and remove your interests. This can be done on Facebook and Twitter. If possible, remove all information that could influence the selection of ads. You can also turn off the tracking features of your online activity outside of social networks: "Activities outside of Twitter" and "Ads shown o

Three Things You Can Do Today to Protect Your Passwords | Free Antivirus

  World Password Day is the perfect time to make sure you know the basic rules for dealing with passwords. World Password Day is traditionally celebrated on the first Thursday in May. Passwords are an important part of our online activity. Our online security directly depends on their reliability. To begin with, let's briefly recall an important rule: use unique and long passwords, include upper and lower case letters, numbers, and (if possible) special characters such as "#", "$", "&". If you need help creating strong passwords, you can always use our random password generator. Today we are going to talk about three things that will improve the security of your accounts: Use a password manager if you don't already have one. Check if your passwords have leaked online.  Change passwords or delete accounts on services from which passwords were leaked (below we will tell you how to find such sites). Use a password manager One of the most important

4 Tips to Protect Against Phishing | Total Security Software

  Protect yourself from daily phishing emails with our tips. The world of cyber threats is constantly changing. Cryptominers, ransomware, DDoS attacks, and other techniques used by cybercriminals are experiencing their peak in popularity, developing in parallel with cyber defense technologies. But with one time-tested tactic of cybercriminals, we are guaranteed to meet regularly (almost daily), checking our mailbox. We are talking about phishing, a type of scam. To do this, scammers impersonate trustworthy sites, organizations, or people. Social engineering techniques create a sense of urgency or dread to nudge you into action without validating what is said. Outwardly, fraudulent sites look like real ones. Email addresses appear trustworthy. Logos and style of presentation copy the original. We surveyed 1,000 people in the UK to assess the average user's ability to recognize phishing. We showed survey participants two similar sites, real and fake, and asked them to determine which

Phishing: What It Is and How to Protect Yourself From It | Antivirus Software

In fact, the letter to Nikolai was sent not by a store, but by cyber fraudsters. They tricked Nikolai out of confidential data, and he did not even notice how he fell for their bait. This type of fraud is called phishing. That is fishing, fishing with a hook. Usually, criminals first grasp a person for a living: intimidate with the loss of money or lure with super-benefits, arouse curiosity or sympathy. Then they lure out personal data, account, or card details. And in the end, they write off the money from the bank account. Consider what mistakes Nikolai made and how he could protect himself from losing money. Mistake # 1: not using antivirus protection Nikolai considered it a waste of money to buy an antivirus. He decided that it would be much easier and cheaper to clean the mailbox of spam by himself. How to fix the error All your gadgets - computer, laptop, need to have antivirus software installed. A good anti-virus package includes protection against spam and phishing emails. He

What Is Emotet? And How to Protect Yourself From This Persistent Trojan Malware | Antivirus

The Emotet Trojan is one of the biggest threats in recent years. Learn about protective measures to help counter infection. Emotet is a banking Trojan that steals sensitive information from individuals, such as credit card information. It has been in hiding since 2014 and has evolved significantly in recent years, becoming a serious threat that infiltrates corporate networks and spreads other types of malware. Emotet is an advanced modular banking Trojan that primarily acts as a downloader or carrier for other banking Trojans and is very difficult to combat as it evades typical signature detection and spreads on its own. Emotet infections cost global banks millions of US dollars per incident. Emotet poses a significant risk to individuals and businesses of all sizes. can do to protect your business from this malicious Trojan malware. How Emotet infects the network? The recipient is persuaded to click a link or open a file and inadvertently runs a macro that downloads the malicious file

Cyber ​​attacks: How to Protect Yourself With the Explosion of Computer Attacks? Antivirus

Cyber ​​attacks are not taking a break from the COVID-19 crisis, quite the contrary. Rather, all indicators show an increase in threats to the security of individuals and businesses alike, in the face of increasingly sophisticated malware such as ransomware. From where a need more important than ever to protect oneself, and to do it with a solution which goes beyond the simple antivirus to also ensure the protection of the confidentiality, the personal data and the performances of its devices, via modules like a pare -fire, anti-phishing and anti-ransomware tools, a VPN or even effective protection against tracking. Today, an all-in-one tool helps protect against these kinds of attacks. Cyber ​​attacks: why are there more and more? You would think that with increasingly secure operating systems and good user awareness of the dangers of viruses and other spyware, cyber attacks would tend to decrease. However, this is not the case and they even do more than stagnating: on the contrary, t

Emotet: How to Best Protect Yourself Against This Trojan Horse | Antivirus Software

  What is spyware? Emotet is a malicious computer program originally developed in the form of a Trojan horse targeting banking data. Its goal was to gain access to foreign devices and spy on their sensitive private data. Emotet is famous for not being detected by and misleading basic antivirus programs. Once the computer is infected, the malware spreads like a computer worm and attempts to infiltrate other computers on the network. Emotet is mainly spread via spam emails. If you download the document or click the link, another malware will automatically download to your computer. These emails were created to appear completely genuine and many have fallen into Emotet's trap. Emotet: presentation Emotet was first detected in 2014 when German and Austrian bank customers were targeted by the Trojan horse. Emotet managed to access customer identification data. The virus spread around the world over the following years. From a Trojan horse targeting bank data, Emotet has become a dropper

Top 7 Cyber ​​Threats to Beware of | Free Antivirus Software

 The 7 main cyber threats to be wary of  Cybercrime, cyber attacks, and cyber threats are on the rise. On average, fraud victims will shell out $ 776 out of pocket and waste 20 hours trying to repair the damage caused by identity thieves. Here are the seven continuing threats that illustrate today's data protection challenges. Hacking of data relating to online sales Saw a surge in cyberattacks against large companies like Target, where hackers stole 40 million credit and debit card numbers from customers. While much of the responsibility lies with the reseller, for example in protecting and keeping their payment methods up to date, keeping an eye on your bank account and card statements is a good way to stay protected during a transaction. attacks on online stores. Mobile Security and Vulnerability Threats on Smartphones Cybercriminals can easily exploit vulnerabilities on your mobile phone to gain private data. These vulnerabilities sometimes originate from applications that you

Covid-19 Makes the Internet More Dangerous | Total Security Software

 "Cybercriminals and fraudsters traditionally exploit topics that are most relevant to society," says Andrey Arsentiev, head of analytics and special projects at InfoWatch Group. According to him, the spread of coronavirus infection was no exception. Several attacks on medical institutions and other organizations involved in the fight against coronavirus infection were also recorded. network of clinics ", - says Andrey Arsentiev. Among the types of Internet fraud that cybercriminals most often resort to, he notes phishing activities. "Fraudsters tried to gain access to data, luring various payments and compensations, Director of the Center for Monitoring and Responding to Cyber ​​Threats Solar JSOC "Rostelecom-Solar" Vladimir Dryukov informs that during the COVID-19 period, an increase in the number of attacks on RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) was recorded. As the main reason, he cites the sharp increase in the number of servers published on the network use

How to Protect Yourself From Hacking and Personal Data Leakage | Antivirus Software

 1. What happened?  For advice on protecting personal data on the Internet, we turned to Evgeny Pitolin, Managing Director of Central Asia and Mongolia. Hacker attacks have become commonplace these days. Experts confirm that no one is protected from hacking e-mail, social media accounts, messengers, or software infection with viruses. Attackers can use stolen data to blackmail, scam, or steal funds from bank accounts. 2. How to protect yourself from email hacking and letter theft? No postal service can ensure 100% security of your correspondence. The easiest way to protect yourself is to use more complex passwords for your accounts. Surprisingly, in this age of cyber threats, the most popular passwords are still numbers from 1 to 8 or the birthdays of relatives. You should be more responsible when choosing a password. Also, don't use the same password on different sites. An additional security measure is two-step authentication. In any mail service, you can configure this function.

What Is Phishing and How Do I Protect Myself From It? Free Antivirus Software

What is a phishing attack?  The scams, which can appear as an email, text message, or instant message, masquerade as a trusted entity. It hopes that you will willingly hand over your information by clicking on a malicious link. The majority of these scams (51 percent) lead to a malware attack, according to Small Business Trends.    With a malware attack, a hidden file gets installed on your computer. The file performs tasks such as making unauthorized purchases, stealing funds, or initiating identification theft. Some malware attacks also hold your device hostage. In these cases, you will need to pay a bonus before regaining access to your computer. How to spot scams? When it comes to bluffing a deception, the first thing you need to embrace and remember is the term, if something is too good to be true, it probably is. In more obvious terms, if you get a text or email promising you quick cash or some prize, then it is definitely a scam. Phishing scams can include, but are not limited t

What Is Ransomware? Pay Attention to These Vulnerabilities That Penetrate Your Device!

You may have heard before about the ransomware virus, whether in your work or through the news circulating through news sites and social media, or even your device told you some measures to protect it from this virus. If you want to know what ransomware is, its types, how it infects a device, and how to protect it, then this is your right place, follow us in this article, we will discuss everything related to ransomware. What is a ransomware virus? Ransomware is known as ransomware or ransomware, and it is a type of malware that, once it infects your device, encrypts all data and prevents you from accessing it, and a message appears explaining how to pay the ransom in exchange for decrypting files and giving access to your files. one more time. A ransomware attack is targeting an individual or organization, it is not limited to one thing, and it can spread to computers through attachments or links in phishing emails, or via infected websites by downloading from the drive or via infecte