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Showing posts from December, 2020

How Does It Contribute to a Safer and Healthier Work Environment? HRMS Software

  Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of modern work, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment is paramount. HRMS (Human Resource Management System) software plays a pivotal role in cultivating and maintaining workplace safety and well-being. This comprehensive guide explores the multifaceted ways in which HRMS software contributes to a safer and healthier work environment, offering insights into how it empowers organizations to prioritize employee well-being and compliance with safety regulations. I. The Significance of Workplace Safety and Health 1.1 The Impact on Employee Well-being A safe and healthy work environment fosters a culture of well-being, reducing accidents, injuries, and stress levels among employees. 1.2 Legal Compliance and Regulatory Adherence HR software ensures that organizations meet legal obligations and regulatory requirements related to workplace safety, mitigating risks and liabilities. II. Incident Reporting and Response 2.1 Streamlined Incident

5 Reasons to Install an Antivirus on Your Mobile | Antivirus

  E-mails, photos, bank details… we store important data on our mobile phones.  Unfortunately, these small devices, well integrated into our daily lives, are not spared by  computer viruses  .  In particular, operating systems that have security vulnerabilities.  To protect your personal data, it is therefore essential to install an  antivirus on your mobile  .  But it is not the only reason. Reason # 1: detect malware and neutralize it  Whether you are shopping online, downloading attachments and applications, or chatting with loved ones, you frequently use your smartphone with a connection to Internet networks.  However, these connections expose you to a wide range of  malicious programs  , such as viruses, Trojans, and spyware.  So many threats that can paralyze your mobile phone, or even delete your data.  Faced with these growing computer risks,  antiviruses for Android  or iOS play a real role of shield to protect your mobile from  malware. , in real time.  They scan and compare

How to Secure Your Mobile Fleet? Free Antivirus

Used in the professional environment, mobile devices, tablets and smartphones can contain very sensitive confidential data. Smartphones and tablets are as affected by data theft and hacking as computers.  Inventory of the means to be implemented in the management of your mobile fleet to limit the risks. Used in the professional context, mobile devices, tablets and smartphones can contain highly sensitive confidential data: customer files, contracts, accounting documents, etc. In the event of loss, theft or attempted hacking, they constitute a danger for the company and the integrity of its data. Yet, many users do not care much about the security of their devices.  According to a study carried out by the free antivirus of smartphone owners take the trouble to protect themselves.  This is not much, when we know that  of them secure their computer. Result: the pirates rush into the breach.  In the third quarter of 2017, 16 million smartphone users fell victim to malware, according to th

Protect Your Smartphone From Viruses, With and Without Antivirus

Real plagues on computers, computer viruses have been arriving on mobile phones for some time. Should we be worried? Do they jeopardise the security of phones? Are there antiviruses for smartphones? Answers. Understand what a virus is to protect your smartphone It is important to know the different terminologies to protect your smartphone from viruses. You should not confuse computer virus and computer worm. A computer virus is, initially, a non-malicious program called "self-replicating", capable of creating a copy of itself autonomously. You just need to create malicious code and associate it with the virus to create malicious software capable of harming a computer. A computer virus is spread by all means of data exchange such as networks, USB keys, CDs ... Unlike a virus, a computer worm does not need a "host" program to reproduce itself. It is this characteristic which makes it a particularly virulent element: the worm exploits the resources of the computer to b

What is a Computer Virus? Free Antivirus Software

A computer virus is a type of malware, the distinguishing feature of which is its self-replication - it copies itself to any medium that is connected to the computer. Computer viruses are so-called because, by analogy with real viruses, they are able to reproduce themselves. After the virus infects your computer, it spreads itself in this way. When infected with a virus, your computer may start to run slower and may be interrupted. There are three main ways in which your computer can become infected with a computer virus. First, the computer can become infected through removable media such as USB sticks. If you insert a USB flash drive or disk obtained from unknown sources into your computer, then it may contain a virus. Sometimes hackers leave infected flash drives or disks on people's desktops or in public places, such as cafes, in order to spread a computer virus in this way. People who share USB drives can also transfer files from an infected computer to an uninfected one using

Cybersecurity: How to Manage the Risks? "No One Is Safe From Cyber Attacks"

  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have had to quickly relocate their employees, in addition to transforming their IT infrastructures to continue their operations. But have they thought about the risks of cyber-attacks?   computer attacks regularly made the headlines during the health crisis. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, according to Yves Paquette, the founder, and president of NOVIPRO, a firm specializing in technological and cloud-based business solutions.   “No one is immune,” he says. And no one can say that it will never happen to him, that it only happens to others. "   However, in the hasty reorganization carried out at the start of the health crisis, several companies have not revised their cyber security practices.   "IT is when it crashes that we realize that it is essential", underlines the head of information security (CISO) at NOVIPRO, Dominique Derriere. For him, a cyber-attack in a company is like a fire: everythi

Cyber ​​Attacks: Tips to Protect Yourself With Total Security Antivirus

  A recent study shows that we handle our cell phones 2,617 times a day, on average. Canadians, who are among the world's most avid Internet users, visit more websites and spend more time online than residents of any other country. In the past 24 hours, how many times have you checked your bank account balance using a mobile app? How many times have you checked Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites? How often did you check your emails, download a file, or shop online? We use the Internet for all of these purposes on a daily basis without paying attention. However, everything we do online increases our risk of being the target of a cyber-attack. With the amount of time we spend at computers and on our smartphones, a few simple precautions can go a long way in keeping us and our loved ones safe online. To guard against hackers, follow the five tips below. 1. Your birthday is impossible to forget … but makes a very bad password (same goes for your dog's name).   The

How Do I Secure My Devices Against Viruses? Antivirus

  In partnership with the Cybermalveillance platform, broadcasts during the month of November a series of videos to raise awareness of the most common computer attack risks.  Today: malware. In addition to being vigilant in the face of a suspicious link or file, it is possible to strengthen the security of your devices.  Indeed, many security solutions exist to protect against various attacks, such as viruses, ransomware (ransomware), phishing that can be suffered by mobile devices or computers. While Windows has made great strides in securing its operating system, the tools Microsoft provides for device security remain inferior to what the rest of the market offers.  To spread malware, attackers exploit security vulnerabilities in programs installed on the device: these are corrected by the publisher in the various updates.  Except of course, when the publisher itself is not aware of the security flaw used by cybercriminals: in this case, we generally speak of 0day flaws, and

Protect Yourself On Social Networks | Antivirus Software

Friends and family aren't the only ones stalking you on social media - potential employers or shady characters can, too.  So it's important that you lock out your accounts to make sure that only the information you want to be made public is. Protect yourself on Facebook To start locking your account, go to the top right corner, click the down arrow and choose “Settings,” where most of your account privacy and security options are. Security and connection Under this tab, you can choose to enable 2FA protection, view the devices in which your account is actively logged in, and choose whether or not to receive alerts about unrecognized login attempts.  If you wish, you can also nominate three to five friends who can help you if your account is blocked. Your information on Facebook Activity Check:  Under  Activity  Log, you can review all of your social network activity, including posted messages, messages posted at other times, preferences, and event handling.  You can use the &qu